TOPIC: The Actual Temple Construction
Opening Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray that you sanctify my spirit, soul and body as I read your word in Jesus name.
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 3:1‐17
Question(s) for Reflection
• What truth is God revealing to me in this passage?
King Solomon started the construction of the temple on mount Moriah. This site is significant being the place where David and Abraham encountered God (1 Chronicles 22:1; Genesis 22). God’s work requires careful and thoughtful preparation as Solomon did. His organizational skills and attention to details can be seen in this chapter. He saw to it that every part of the house was built to perfection.
This is a challenge for us to pursue excellence in whatever we do. Notice the number of times the word gold appears between vs.4‐10? Gold was as precious then as it is today. It was the best treasure King Solomon could use to honour God. In addition, he adorned the temple with other precious stones to add beauty. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. What steps do you take to keep it holy and precious for the Lord?
The Most Holy Place: This was the most sacred room where the Ark of the covenant was kept, (symbolically God’s dwelling place). Only the High Priest was allowed in once a year to offer sacrifices. Jesus Christ is the High Priest of the New Covenant, (Hebrews 9:11‐12). Does He have absolute control of your heart and life?
The curtain in v.14 separating the Most Holy Place from the rest of the temple was torn in two at Christ’s death (Matthew 27:51), signifying the opening of a clear way to God for everyone who believes in Christ Jesus. Let prayer have a central place in your daily life always.
• Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?
Closing Prayer
• Thank you, Lord, for granting me direct access to your throne.
Offer a prayer of faith in line with
Hebrews 13:5; Zechariah 7, 8; Job 21
Daily Guide 3rd October 2022 | Scripture Union